Behaviour Support Services
We have multiple practitioners with significant experience in assisting people and their families with complex behavioural support both within and outside the NDIS framework.
The ultimate goal of the program is to manage, reduce and where possible, eliminate behaviours that are inhibiting optimal quality of life and creating distress for you, your family, and/or the community.
Aurora Allied Health maintains a Positive Behavioural Framework in the treatment of behaviours of concern.The program consists of a structured Functional Behavioural Analysis to determine the motivators and reasons for the existence of the behaviour/s.
This is then followed by the creation of an escalation profile and individualized behaviour support plan in consultation with you and your support network.
The clinician will then support behavioural interventions over an agreed time period and evaluate and modify the program as and if required.
The central focus is to provide you and/or your caregivers with a framework and increased understanding of how to promote adaptive behaviours in the future which will provide positive enhancements to your life and well-being.
Ideally, this framework should be able to be applied with minimal adaptation to future behaviors that might inhibit your optimal well-being.
The program accepts referrals for people who are six years and older with and without disability and who live independently, in the family home or in supported accommodation.
The program is time-limited, and the length of service provided to families depends on the complexity of your personal situation.
Collaborative Support
Support that takes into consideration not only the client but the environment and people around them. Working to find practical solutions to complex problems.